• Chaos Daemons

    The plans of the Dark Gods are unknowable, but when they require a more reliable touch than the gibbering mortal masses can provide, they send out small hosts of daemons bonded to their every whim. In rare moments of cooperation, the daemons of each god have even worked together towards a common goal, although such alliances rarely last more than the immediate need before devolving into in-fighting.

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    Plaguebearer Image


    Plaguebearers are the rank and file of Nurgle’s legions, crafted from blighted soul-stuff and commonly used to soak up massed enemy firepower while remaining unharmed.

    Bloodletter Image


    Strong, vicious, and determined to shed as much blood as possible, Bloodletters are some of the finest shock troops available to daemonic kill teams.

    Daemonette Image


    Possessed of the hypnotic glamour for which all daemons of Slaanesh are abhorred, Daemonettes are vicious, merciless fighters who attack with astounding speed and grace.

    Horror Image


    Keener to weave their mystical fire magics than strategise or follow plans, Blue and Pink Horrors are nevertheless powerful combatants valued by daemonic kill teams for their firepower.