• Genestealer Cults

    Wherever a Genestealer Cult exists, kill teams composed of disparate insurrectionists group together to sabotage and slaughter their foes. Genestealer Cults kill teams initiate their brutal insurrections armed with the tools supplied by their oppressors – the industrial gear with which they have been forced to toil for generations. Drills, saws, cutting lasers and demolition charges, along with basic firearms that are stolen or cobbled together, are put to violent use against their enemies. Those members of a kill team blessed with more advanced mutations fight with diamond-hard claws and fangs, gutting those who would oppose their cult’s uprising with savage frenzy.

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    Acolyte Hybrids

    Acolyte Hybrids are the least humanoid of their kin but are larger and physically stronger as a result, and grow a third arm more akin to a Genestealer’s foreclaw.

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    Neophyte Hybrids

    As 3rd or 4th generation cultists, Neophyte Hybrids are the most numerous, able to deploy in great number. They are well versed in a variety of weapons, from the humble autogun to the mighty seismic cannon.

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    Aberrants are created as a result of a rare genetic quirk, continuing to grow until they tower over the other cultists. Thanks to their prodigious size and strength, they’re able to wield massive power hammers and picks.

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    Hybrid Metamorphs

    The cultists most blessed by mutation are known as Hybrid Metamorphs. They sport pincer claws, scythed limbs or other deadly gifts, making them a daunting prospect to face for even the most skilled fighter.

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    Fast, agile and armed with razor-sharp claws that can slice through even the hardest adamantium, even a single Genestealer is a threat to an enemy kill team.

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    Infamous across the galaxy for their stealth and explosive ferocity, Genestealers serve as the hard-hitting vanguard of any Tyranids force, eliminating high-value targets with murderous efficiency.

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    Nightmares made of muscle and claw, Broodlords are frequently seen leading Genestealers into battle, ripping their enemies apart in explosions of viscera.

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    The father of a cult would once have been a Genestealer, but as the brood grows a Patriarch gets larger and stronger, becoming a leering nightmare of tooth and claw.

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    The psychically gifted prophet of the cult, a Magus is a fourth-generation hybrid and is armed with a force stave – both a symbol of their office and a deadly weapon.

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    Fierce champions and heroes lauded by the broodkin, each Primus is both an ambush leader and front-line general, armed with the best weapons the cult can provide.

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    Acolyte Iconward

    A fierce and intelligent Acolyte Hybrid bears a cult icon into battle. These totems have a galvanising effect on the members of the cult.

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    A Sanctus is the assassin of the cult. They stick to the shadows before they strike without warning, slaying their target and then slipping away without a trace.

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    These gunslingers are often figures of folk legend, seen as battling the uncaring cruelty of authoritarian rule. In truth, Kelermorphs are cold-blooded killers.

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    They plan, they scheme, they hatch their insidious plots. The Nexos is the tactical lynchpin of the cult.

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    Usually, a Biophagus is a reclusive being, preferring to work on their gene manipulation and bio-alchemy. However, when they do fight, they are armed with an injector goad, containing vile concoctions of their own devising.

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    Many have been fooled by their stillness but, in the blink of an eye, a Locus erupts in a display of shocking violence.

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    For the Clamavus, information is a weapon. Whether broadcasting the message of the cult or hacking into enemy comms, theirs is the song that starts revolutions.